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Chemilink™ SS-222 Fast Setting

Cement-Based Self-Leveling Compound (Fast Setting, One-Part)

Chemilink™ SS-222 (Fast Setting, One-Part) is a cement-based self-leveling compound. It is grey powder consisting of special cements, hydraulic binders and other additives to enhance workability, adhesion, setting and hardening properties. SS-222 (Fast Setting, One-Part) only requires the addition of portable water to produce a smooth free-flowing and self-leveling mix. It is designed to cover surfaces with a thickness of 3 to 5 mm per single placement.


  • Fast setting and hardening to lessen the inconvenience caused by normal setting products;
  • Excellent adhesions to a given concrete substrate in upgrading projects;
  • Easy to use the pre-blended materials; and
  • Labour cost savings.


  • Upgrading or new projects on building corridors;
  • Raising floor levels to a particular height;
  • Filling holes and repairing damaged floors, such as concrete or cement/sand screeds,
  • Forming gradient to floor at wet area to minimize water ponding;
  • Backing screed to floor tiles; and
  • Other potential applications.


  • SS-222 (Fast Setting, One-Part) is not recommended for heavy duty industrial floors.
  • When there exits powder on the finished surface due to overdose of water or improper construction or otherwise, the powdery surface must be washed thoroughly and subsequently the clean and dry surface must be treated with a proper sealant within 24 hours after the placement of self-leveling screed. Fully dried and sealant treated SS-222 surface can be coated with compatible paints and it is highly recommended to do so.
  • When SS-222 (Fast Setting, One-Part) is applied onto adjacent areas on different construction dates or under different climatic conditions, the colors of the finishing surface may vary significantly. Furthermore, the color may also be influenced by the setting time of the screed.

Technical Data


Test Method

ChemilinkTM SS-222

(Fast Setting, One-Part)

HDB(2) Requirements

(self-leveling screed with topcoat system)

FlowabilityASTM C939: 02

Flow time = 30–120 sec

Flow time ≤ 150 sec

Water Absorption

ASTM C413: 014 – 8 %≤ 10% (30 minutes)

Abrasion Resistance(1)

BS EN 13892-4: 020.2 mmMax. wear depth ≤ 0.5mm

Tensile Adhesion Bond Strength(1)

BS 13892-8: 022 N/mm2≥ 1 N/mm2

Slip Resistance (SRV)(1)

BS 7976-2: 0250Min. SRV ≥ 40


ASTM C531: 00a) ≤ 0.04%
b) No visible crack
a) Max ± 0.05%
b) No visible crack
Setting time (Vicat)ASTM C191: 01

45 – 60 minutes

Not specified, but normal setting time 4 – 6 hours.
Note: (1) at 28 days (2) visit the Housing & Development Board (HDB) website at http://www.hdb.gov.sg

Application Procedure

Surface Preparation

The surface of the area to be treated should be clean and free from dust, dirt, grease and/or other loose contaminants. Pressured washing (using clean water) is recommended for this surface cleaning task. All concrete substrates must be structurally sound and all cracks must be routed out and repaired with appropriate repair compounds.

Once the area is clean, brush or roll ChemilinkTM SS-232 (primer) evenly onto the surface. Depending on the environment, it may take approximately 5 to 30 minutes for the primer to become touch-dry.

Note that the primer is designed to improve adhesion; to prevent the coating material from debonding or delaminating and to prevent pinholes on the finished surface. Use the primer directly from the container – do NOT dilute; do NOT blend with any other product. Stir the primer contents well before use. The primer should be re-applied if the primer-treated surface is disturbed or it has been primed for more than 6 hours.

Under the conditions that the ground (surface to be treated) temperature is above 45°C, the surface should be wetted down to avoid flash set of the primer.


When the primer is touch-dry, add approximately 5 L (it is very much dependent on the site conditions; ABANDON the mix if excessive bleeding is observed, otherwise it is likely to result in powdery finishing surface) of portable water to a clean bucket or pail (capacity of 20 L), and then slowly add a 25 kg bag of SS-222 (Fast Setting, One-Part) powder while it is being electrically stirred. Do NOT add water to powder. Ensure 2 to 3 minutes of mixing time till the mixture is homogeneous and lump-free.

Note that electric stirring (mixing gun with rotation speed of ≥ 1,300 rpm) is highly recommended. Concrete mixers or hand / manual mixing are not suitable mixing methods.

SS-222 (Fast Setting, One-Part) is a rapid setting product. The mixture should be placed within 5 – 10 minutes after 2 – 3 minutes of mixing at ~30°C. Do NOT mix more material than that can be placed within 5 – 10 minutes. Clean mixers and tools thoroughly immediately after each batch to avoid material buildup. Use clean equipment for mixing.

For any additional instructions that are not covered above, please kindly contact the product principal.

Placing and Finishing

After mixing, place the mortar mix onto the primed surface; move it to position with a long-handled smoothing trowel or an underlayment spreader. SS-222 (Fast Setting, One-Part) may be placed for a thickness of 3 to 5 mm for both external and internal applications.

The mortar mixture may support foot traffic 1 – 3 hours after placement depending on the environment (ambient working temperature, relative humidity, ventilation in case of indoor or interior applications, surface to be treated, thickness of placement, amount of mixing water etc).


In hot and dry conditions, SS-222 (Fast Setting, One- Part) must be cured with water spraying or appropriate curing compound and the finishing surface shall also be treated with an appropriate sealant within the first 24 hours.

Usage and Coverage

The recommended thickness is 3 to 5 mm per layer for both external and internal applications. For placement of more than one layer, each subsequent layer should only be placed after the previous layer has been hardened (a minimum of 24 hours). One 25 kg bag of SS-222 (Fast Setting, One-Part) yields approximately 0.0135m3 or 13.5 liters, and cover approximately:

  • 13.5 m2 at 1 mm thick
  • 4.5 m2 at 3 mm thick
  • 2.7 m2 at 5 mm thick

Package and Storage

Package : 25 kg/bag
Shelf Life : 3 months from date of manufacture if both parts are stored in the original package and kept in a dry and cool place.


SS-222 (Fast Setting, One-Part) is cement based, alkali in nature and non-hazardous. It is recommended that applicators wear PVC or equivalent gloves and safety goggles when using SS-222. In case of eye contact, wash thoroughly with clean water and if irritation persists, please seek medical treatment immediately.


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