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Chemilink™ SS-251

Flexible Cementitious Waterproofing Coating

Chemilink™ SS-251 is a two-component flexible cementitious waterproofing membrane system based on special synthetic resin dispersion and a blend of selected cement mixed with well-graded fillers. Chemilink™ SS-251 is flexible and adheres to practically every surface. It can also fill hairline cracks with excellent functions of waterproofing, wear-resisting and weather-resistant.

Technical Data


Chemilink™ SS-251

Hardness (Shore A) (ASTM D2240:95)

> 40

Tensile Strength (ASTM D412:98a)


Elongation at Break (ASTM D412:98a)


Adhesion to Substrate (ASTM D4541:93)

> 0.3MPa

Crack Bridging (ASTM C836:95)


Water Penetration Test (DIN1048:91)

0.2 bars (0.2kgf/cm²)


  • Waterproof coatings of tanks, containers, water reservoirs, pools, silos and gutters;
  • Kitchen and toilets; Balconies and planter boxes; Basement walls and lift pits
  • Waterproofing and repair of balconies, terraces and haunching concrete of roads and bridges;
  • Floors in garages, on parking areas and on roofs; and
  • Under surface and side of marbles, tiles and granite.

Application Procedure

  1. The substrates must be clean and sound, free of dust and loose particles. All substrates must be pre-saturated with water to achieve saturate-surface-dry prior to application of Chemilink™ SS-251.
  2. Pour Chemilink™ SS-251B (Part B, liquid) into a clean container and stir/mix with a low speed drill. Pour Chemilink™ SS-251A (Part A. powder) slowly into Part B taking care to mix thoroughly until homogenous and lump free.
  3. A squeegee, roller or broad brush may be used to apply the slurry. The recommended thickness for each coat is approximately 0.5mm dft. To ensure permanent protection, a second or even third coat is necessary.
  4. Normal concreting procedures should be strictly adhered to.
  5. Application temperature: 5ºC ~35ºC
Brush ApplicationRoller Application

Package, Coverage, & Storage

Package : (HDB Std) 50kg/set comprising 25kg SS-251A and 25kg SS-251B (HDB Std) 43kg/set comprising 25kg SS-251A and 18kg SS-251B
Coverage : 1.8 ~ 2.1kg/m² at 1mm dft thickness
Shelf Life : 6 to 12 months from date of manufacture when stored sealed in a cool & dry place

Pot Life

Approximately 1 hour (30&ordmC, 50% RH)

Pot life will be shortened at higher temperatures




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